Stewarts Care respite homes

Kilcock, Co.Kildare

Two adult respite homes

Ferrier House, Kilcloon, Co. Meath

One adult respite home

Dochas Lodge, Straffan, Co. Kildare

One children's respite home

Respite is an essential support for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities and complex medical needs, as well as their families and caregivers. Stewarts Care offers both adult and children’s respite services. 

Stewarts Care’s respite service comprises of four properties in Kildare and Meath, consisting of three adult homes and one children’s home.  Stewarts Care currently has capacity to provide 20 bed nights per night across the four homes or 140 bed nights per week.  

Respite services are provided to individuals following an assessment of health needs of the individual user and subject to the resources available. 

How to access respite services 

Step 1: Application Process 

Individuals or their families, with the individual’s consent, can self-refer to respite by completing a Disability Supports Application Management Tool (DSAMT) form.  Click here to download the (DSAMT) form.

Stewarts Care day service staff can support individuals or their family to make a referral using the DSAMT form. If you require further support, you can contact or ring 01 628569.  

Completed forms should be returned by email to  or by post to Maura Caffrey, Administrative Assistant, Ferrier House, Kilcloon, Maynooth, Co. Kildare A85 F448.  

It is important you fill out the form completely to ensure the subsequent steps are not delayed. Please note incomplete forms will be returned. 

Step 2: Application Review Process 

Once received, the completed DSAMT form is acknowledged by Stewarts Care and reviewed by the Stewarts Care Respite Team consisting of representatives from Care, Nursing and multidisciplinary roles including Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy and Social Work.  

Led by the Stewarts Care Respite Manager, the admission review process involves gathering further information such as specific needs, medical conditions, behaviours, in-home supports, current family support etc.    

Step 3: Assessment   

Once all the information is gathered, a rating tool is used to assess and determine the frequency of admission. This assessment is completed by the Respite Team.  Once determined, this will be communicated with the original requestor.  

Please note, time between admissions can fluctuate due to emergency admissions and increasing referral numbers. The aim is to provide a fair and equitable service to all based on the assessed need.    

Stewarts Care operates an active admissions list for respite applicants. From the time of application there is a wait period to allow for the processing of applications, the review of documentation and initial assessments and meetings. There is also a transition period, to allow the individual to transition into the service on offer. This period consists of meetings and visits and can be lengthy, depending on each individual’s needs.