Our primary purpose is to treat the physical impairments and disabilities that our service users may present with. Examples of what we might assess and treat include but not exhaustive are:
- Soft tissue muscle/ligament injury
- Falls, mobility and balance issues
- 24 hour Postural Management needs
- Post fracture rehabilitation and any other orthopaedic conditions
- Developmental Delay
- Provision of orthotic equipment
- Education around bone health, falls, prevention, postural management, over all physical well-being
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy helps people do the everyday things they want and need to do when they experience illness, injury, disability or challenging life events. Occupational therapy is a client centred health profession which promotes health and well-being through occupation or meaningful activities. Occupation is the everyday activities that people do as individuals, in families and with communities to occupy time and bring meaning and purpose to life. Occupations include things people need to, want to and are expected to do. The goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life. Occupational therapists achieve this outcome by working with people and communities to enhance their ability to do the occupations they want to, need to, or are expected to do, or by modifying the occupation or the environment to better support their performance. Areas for the Occupational Therapist in Stewarts Care:
- Functional assessments of abilities and skills eg. dressing, writing skills.
- Independent living skills assessment and training
- Assessment and prescription of specialised seating and equipment for activities of daily living eg. wheelchairs, shower equipment
- Housing and environmental assessments and advice on adaptations
- Developmental assessments and therapy
- Sensory Integration assessments and therapy
- Assistive Technology assessment and prescription
Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) support people with communication difficulties. This might involve assessment, diagnosis or management of communication difficulties. SLTs support people to use any way of communication they can, whether it’s words and sentences, pictures and photos, signing and gesture, facial expression and body language, technology or a combination of all of these means (Total Communication). Many SLTs are also involved in the management of Feeding, Eating, Drinking and Swallowing disorders (FEDS) to support people to eat and drink safely. The SLTs in Stewarts work as part of the multidisciplinary team and provide services to Early Services, Stewarts School and Adult Services. SLTs provide training to staff and families in the area of communication (e.g. Hanen parent training courses and Lámh training) and Feeding, Eating, Drinking and Swallowing (FEDS). SLTs support service users to
- Understand and express the choices
- Express their views
- Develop and maintain relationships (social skills)
- Access services
- Be included and involved
- Maintain health and well-being (for e.g. FEDS)
For more information about speech and language therapy, please contact
The Dietetic Service in Stewarts Care works with adults only to
- Maintain good nutrition throughout their lives
- Reduce the risk of illness
- Dietitians help people know what food they should eat to keep fit and healthy
Good quality nutrition is vital to maintain physical health and wellbeing. We consult on a range of different special dietary needs including
- Undernutrition
- Eating, drinking and swallowing disorders
- Selective eating – self-limiting diets which are unbalanced & problematic
- High nutritional requirements
- Metabolic diets
- Vitamin & mineral deficiencies
- Bone problems
- Poor appetite due to constipation or reflux
- Overweight/obesity
The dietitian plays a very important role in the management of nutritional concerns among people with disabilities and maintains close communication with the multidisciplinary team.
For more information about the Dietetic Department in Stewarts Care please contact
Psychologists use a knowledge of Psychological theory to help to resolve Learning and Mental Health problems in our Service Users.
Psychologists also help to promote the Psychological well being of our Service Users
Services Provided
- Psychological assessment of ability and skills
- Assessment of behaviour that challenges and development of positive behaviour support plans.
- Provision of Psychological therapy on an individual and group basis
- Providing a Psychological consultation service to Frontline staff and families
- Contributing to staff and family training
- Contributing to committees both inside and outside of Stewarts
For further information please contact the Psychology Department at
Onsite clinicians include:
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Psychology
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Social Work
- Dietetics
- Psychiatry
Progressing Disabilities
Please click here to learn more about Progressing Disabilities.