European Week of Sport 23rd – 30th September 2020

23 September 2020

European Week of Sport aims to promote sport and physical activity in countries across Europe! This week is for everyone, regardless of age, background or fitness level. The aim is to inspire Europeans to #BeActive on a regular basis and create opportunities in people’s everyday lives to exercise more. For the Service Users of Stewarts Care, being active for them means attending the Sports Centre and taking part in the wide range of sport and physical activity sessions that are offered by our Adapted Physical Activity program. The aim of this program is to continue to develop innovative ways to promote the inclusion of people with both physical and intellectual disabilities in a physical activity setting. For European Week of Sport 2020, Stewarts Sports Centre collaborated with South Dublin Local Sports Partnership to provide the athletes who attend Stewarts Care, with a platform to show their abilities and passion for sport and physical activity. We believe that sport has the power to break down barriers and build bridges where boundaries usually exist and we are delighted that we had the opportunity to show this to the wider community. ‘’I wish all my friends could play sport because I know they would really love it’’ – Stephen Bramble Participation in Sport can have positive psychological effects on people as it enhances their development of their sense of self, by choosing to take part in physical activity they are showing people who they are and tend to define themselves as athletes, rather than people with a disability. The overarching aim of this video is to show that there is no limit to how inclusive sport and physical activity can be.