The Service User Council 2022- 2023 consists of 40 members supported by 10 facilitators. The members represent everyone who uses the services in Stewarts Care. They work to ensure that Stewarts is truly a person centred service. The Service User Council election takes place in October each year. Below is this years elected council members.

Each of the councils will hold a monthly meeting from November through to September. Two elected representatives from each of the five councils will meet with the Chief Executive and the Director of Care to discuss issues raised at the council meetings and a follow-up and feedback meetings will be arranged to discuss actions and progress on the issues raised.
The Service User Council members for 2022-2023 are:

Residential: Mary Flynn, Kevin Cooney, David McKenna, Dinah Butler, Bridget McMahon, Mark O’Hara.

Community: Graham Hamilton, Joan McGuire, Julie Maloney, Jean Kelly, Sean Monks, Gerry Cornally, Gregory Hitchings, Elizabeth Mannix, David Clerkin.

Palmerstown Day Services: Kevin O’Neill, Stephen Joyce, Kathleen Boyne, Rachel Kearney, Ben Nnadi, Chinedu Okafor, Derek Dartnell, Laura McQuaid.

Kilcloon: Sarah Jane Ennis, Benji Hilliard, Pamela Kavanagh.

Rossecourt and Adult Ed.: Sean Gilbert, Brennie Collis, David Dillon, Ciara Kerins, Craig Smith, Juwon Ibunkle, Chloe Lynch, Tom Murray.

JASS & Hubs: Anita Malone, Audrey Copley, Linda Byrne Duffy, Sarah Murray, Brian Churchyard, Terence Ryan.